English study application

Our Courses
- 外教口语课,使用美国同步教材,夯实孩子英语听说能力
- 增进孩子对早期学习的热情
- 以浸泡式的英语教学,以环境刺激和大量范听来练习听力和语感
- 以字母、口语表达、知识构建和听力理解为关注点
- 学习和发展社交技能
- 数学学习内容逐步渐进穿插复习总结
- 每单元均整合多学科学习内容,包括理科、社科和艺术音乐的学习
- 综合全面的多学科学习,贯穿于丰富多样的活动与练习之中,开启幼儿启蒙教育,从小培养孩子对学习的热情
> 对绘本故事感兴趣
> 喜爱童谣歌曲
> 希望接受启蒙教育
- 从根本解决发音和读写问题,让儿童发音机能更丰富,提高音准度
- 建立英语单词认读的基础,让儿童“见词能读,听音能写”,减少生词的记忆负担
- 从听说过渡到识字阅读,培养英语阅读的基本技能
- 课程辅助歌谣、词族归类小游戏、常见词汇(CVC)发音练习、高频视觉词等
- 提高学习兴趣与自信心
> 对口语交流充满热情对英语歌曲童谣感兴趣
> 想要学习英语发音规则
> 想要提高单词发音精准度
> 想要阅读英语儿童故事绘本
- 专为入门基础儿童设计的学习模式
- 英语学习一站式解决方案,基于学科的主题、内容与词汇,侧重语言综合发展和螺旋式上升
- 美国州立新课标的培养标准,美国主流小学教材之一Reach Higher
- 丰富多样的课堂互动活动,全面发展式的英语能力提升
> 对歌曲童谣感兴趣
> 充满对新鲜事物好奇心
- 精美图文和视频,北美外教带你游历世界,读懂这个世界
- 高清视频和高级文章,满足各个级别需求
- 实时互动,个性化答疑
- 遇到学习难点,北美外教当场解答,量身定制学习方案
- 提高语言运用与批判性思维。文章和习题训练,教你运用语言的技能。
- 全方位服务, 贴心的班级答疑社群。
- 阶段性报告和学习总结,追踪学习进程。
- 陪伴式的助教预习伴读,沉浸英语环境。
> 充满好奇心,乐于探索世界
> 对摄影图片和插画感兴趣
> 对文字表达和阅读充满热情
- 课程采取手把手教学方式,循序渐进指导学生写作。
- 从词类用法入手,到简单句、复合句、复杂句,再到构建段落,最终完成一篇完整文章
- 通过细致的语法教学和丰富的写作练习,学生不仅会理解多写多练的重要性,还会系统掌握学术写作方法,提高写作水平
- 为增加视觉刺激和学习体验,GW配有丰富多样的插图。这不仅激励写作,还鼓励通过观察认知世界,拓宽写作视角和空间
- 英语母语者资深写作教师任教
> 对文字表达感兴趣
> 对写作语法有疑惑与担忧
> 想提高语言表达准确度
> 想了解各类体裁写作风格
> 想训练各类不同话题的写作
> 想系统性提高写作整体水平
- 学英语演讲辩论的王炸课程
- “国家地理”和“TED TALK”联合推出的明星课程Keynote,甄选火遍全球的Ted Talks真实演讲视频作为语言输入
- 内容精彩纷呈。演讲妙语连珠、感人肺腑,激发学员形成独立见解
- 完整的原汁原味内容超越语言知识,提高学习积极性。让孩子在学习英语的同时,享受到学习的乐趣
- 话题广泛深入。演讲几乎涵盖所有的话题,适合每一个人
- 演讲者来自世界各地,有英语母语者和非母语者,展现真实的国际交流,增强跨文化意识
- 以视频展示演讲的方式,既教授了演讲技巧,又直观展示了幻灯片与演说结合的技巧
- 思维技巧的提升,演讲技巧的全方位学习
- 听说读写全面提升的教学模式
> 对口语交流交际有热情
> 对公共演讲和演讲技巧感兴趣
> 对自热社科等各类议题有想法
> 想综合提升听说读写能力
- 实现学考双丰收,培养学生全方位英语能力和综合素质
- 教材内嵌 YLE、KET、PET 考试内容,通过情景对话、生动课文以及互动练习提高学生的听说读写能力。注重备考所需的词汇、语法等知识点,帮助学生顺利进入高阶学习阶段,并考取剑桥证书
- 提升“听说读写”做题技巧,为孩子校内的英语课程做补充
- 课程包含大量跨学科知识(Cross-curricular),比如人文地理、艺术、自然科学、文学素养等,实现语言学习和学科学习的有机结合
- 课程贴合不同年龄段学生的社交、情感和认知技能。提供与其年龄相关的能力的交流机会
- 通过原版阅读培养学生的阅读习惯和能力
- 设置了丰富的原版阅读(Literature)内容,以培养孩子良好的阅读习惯和能力,让孩子随时随地跟读原版故事,接触到原汁原味的英语
- 课程融入剑桥“终生胜任力”理念,采用“任务式”教学法,建立完整教学体系。每一单元的内容都是围绕一个“任务”来安排,课程内容设计贴近学生的日常生活,更注重帮助学生学会如何沟通,把学习重点放在如何完成任务和解决问题上
- Power Up教材中多以真实场景展示所学内容,课程内容设计符合现代中小学生活及习惯
- 课程内的非虚构类(Non-fiction)的知识学习更加符合中、高考以及国际考试趋势
- 教材内嵌KET、PET、FCE 考试内容,与剑桥英语考试紧密结合,更加符合青少年学习和成长规律,内容和形式更具现代感。
- 话题新颖有趣,注重口语发音与写作技巧。运用多种方式学习词汇。
- 课程内容与剑桥英语考试紧密结合,注重备考所需的词汇、语法等知识点,帮助学生顺利进入高阶学习阶段,并考取剑桥证书。
- 运用多种方式呈现词汇,帮助学生巩固词汇 从不同角度和话题展开,囊括很多青少年成长话题,例如人际交往、偶像、自我、团队、生存能力、友谊和情感等,贴近现实世界,贴近青少年。
- 设置了丰富的原版阅读(Literature)内容,以培养孩子良好的阅读习惯和能力,让孩子随时随地跟读原版故事,接触到原汁原味的英语。
- 教材引导学生进行思维建立、强化学生进行思维训练,体现英国教育体制里对学生批判性思维的训练,让孩子从小建立西方教育思维模式,培养学生从双面看待问题的能力。
- 对接国际标准,培养英文思维,拓展国际视野。着力在写作与口语中培养孩子对于话题的分析、理解与创造的能力。
- 从听说过渡到读写是遵循了孩子的知识吸收习惯和能力提升成长线,全面培养听说读写各项技能
- 基于布鲁姆心理学理论进行超前设计,聚焦“批判性思维”培养,落实到具体的语言训练中,系统提升思维能力
- 课程内容与剑桥英语考试紧密结合,注重备考所需的词汇、语法等知识点,帮助学生顺利进入高阶学习阶段,并考取剑桥证书。
- 全面培养听说读写各项技能,尤其注重学术词汇积累和写作训练,直接对标从剑桥少儿英语到剑桥通用五级再到雅思的所有剑桥考试,实用性强
- 每个单元都有视频导入,增加了孩子学习的趣味性。基于全球热门话题,提供近百部DISCOVERY珍贵高清纪录片,充分激发孩子的探索兴趣,极大拓宽孩子的知识面与视野,满足孩子旺盛的求知欲和好奇心
- World of Wonders原版教材
- Phonics
- Reach Higher
- Reading Explorer
- Great Writing
- Keynote
- Power Up
- Think
- Unlock
EDUBUS 线上课程特色
EDUBUS online course features
并且设有阶段性测试,实时了解孩子的学习情况。 -

John Finley老师在洛杉矶联合学区担任英语教师的时间超过30年。在EDUBUS任教的8年里,他专注于为学生,尤其是华裔背景的学生,提供ESL(英语作为第二语言)教学。他拥有菲利普斯研究生院的心理学硕士学位和英美文学学士学位,这为他的教学带来了独特的视角。他专注于了解学生的兴趣、优势和劣势,并努力与每位学生建立个人联系,为他们营造一个积极的学习环境,助力学生成长。
Mr. John Finley has been an English teacher in the Los Angeles Unified School District for over three decades. During his tenure, he has specialized in teaching ESL to students, particularly those with a Chinese background, during his eight years at EDUBUS. With his M.A. in Psychology from Phillips Graduate Institute and a B.A. in English Literature, he brings a unique perspective to his lessons, focusing on understanding students' interests, strengths, and weaknesses. He strives to create a personal connection with each student, fostering a positive learning environment where they can thrive.

Ms. Mary是一位经济学学士及行为与计算经济学硕士,拥有超过9年的英文、数学和经济学教学与辅导经验。她在查普曼大学还曾担任3年多的研究生研究助理,协助多位教授进行研究工作。在EDUBUS的4年里,Ms. Mary专注于ISEE考试备考,辅导过上百位学员,多名学生在考试中取得满分,被知名私立学校录取。她不仅擅长ISEE备考,还具备丰富的HSPT、SSAT、SAT和ACT等标准化考试教学经验。Ms. Mary教学风格亲切,善于用生动有趣的方式将复杂理论融入课堂,让学生在轻松氛围中高效学习,深受学生和家长好评。
Ms. Mary holds a Bachelor's degree in Economics and a Master's degree in Behavioral and Computational Economics. She has over 9 years of teaching and tutoring experience in English, Mathematics, and Economics. Additionally, she served as a graduate research assistant at Chapman University for more than 3 years, assisting multiple professors in their research endeavors. During her 4 years at EDUBUS, Ms. Mary specialized in ISEE exam preparation, tutoring hundreds of students, with many achieving perfect scores and being admitted to prestigious private schools. She is not only proficient in ISEE preparation but also possesses rich experience in teaching standardized exams such as HSPT, SSAT, SAT, and ACT. Ms. Mary has an approachable teaching style and excels at incorporating complex theories into lessons in an engaging and lively manner, enabling students to learn efficiently in a relaxed atmosphere. She is highly praised by students and parents.

Dr. Jared, a dual degree holder in philosophy and linguistics from Brown University, later received a doctorate in education from the University of Florida. With over ten years of global English teaching experience, he is good at English literature, writing and standardized test tutoring. He has taught in international schools in France and many Asian countries, and is well versed in the characteristics of Asian students. Mr. Jared keeps up with the trend of education and integrates the latest educational concepts into online teaching. With his global vision and rich teaching experience, he has guided students to achieve excellent results in the New York Times commentary writing and international writing competitions. As a doctor of education and a senior mentor, he is committed to improving students' reading and writing skills, and assisting students in their college applications and academic development.

Michael 是一位充满热情的英语教师,拥有丰富的教学经验和精湛的教学技能。他曾在Fairmont Schools、Gate Education等多个知名学校和教育机构任职,教授不同年龄段的语言类课程。他精通英语语言和语法,熟悉英语文学和写作技巧,能够制定吸引人的互动式教案,激发学生的学习兴趣。此外,他还具备良好的沟通和展示能力,擅长课堂及行为管理,教学方法灵活多样,能够因材施教,适应不同课程和学生水平。他还能将技术融入教学,提升学生的学习体验。凭借其丰富的国际教学经验和文化意识,他为不同文化背景的学生创造了丰富的教育体验。
Mr. Michael Soto is an enthusiastic English teacher with extensive teaching experience and exquisite teaching skills. He has worked at several well-known schools and educational institutions such as Fairmont Schools and Gate Education, teaching language courses for students of different age groups. He is proficient in English language and grammar, familiar with English literature and writing skills, and able to develop engaging interactive lesson plans to stimulate students' interest in learning. Additionally, he possesses excellent communication and presentation skills, excels at classroom and behavior management, and uses flexible and diverse teaching methods to tailor his instruction to different courses and student levels. He also integrates technology into his teaching to enhance students' learning experience. With his rich international teaching experience and cultural awareness, he creates a rich educational experience for students of different cultural backgrounds.

Mr. Mathew是一位拥有丰富教学经验的英语教师,他分别在2009年和2019年获得加州州立大学的英语文学学士和硕士学位,硕士学位侧重于英文作文与修辞教学。自2020年秋季以来,他一直在圣安娜学院担任写作导师,并在PRIDE阅读计划中担任阅读导师,专注于辅导有学习困难症的学生提高阅读理解能力。此外,他还擅长教授SAT/ISEE/SSAT等标化考试的词汇、阅读和写作部分,帮助学生显著提分。他注重因材施教,能够根据学生的特点和需求调整教学方法,并提供多样化的英语课程,从初级创意写作到高阶写作,再到批判性思维,都游刃有余。
Mr. Mathew is an English teacher with extensive teaching experience. He earned his Bachelor's and Master's degrees in English Literature from California State University in 2009 and 2019, respectively, with a focus on composition and rhetoric in his Master's degree. Since the fall of 2020, he has been serving as a writing tutor at Santa Ana College and a reading tutor in the PRIDE reading program, focusing on helping students with learning disabilities improve their reading comprehension skills. Additionally, he excels at teaching vocabulary, reading, and writing sections of standardized tests such as SAT/ISEE/SSAT, helping students significantly increase their scores. He emphasizes individualized instruction, adjusting his teaching methods based on students' characteristics and needs, and offers a variety of English courses ranging from beginner creative writing to advanced writing and critical thinking.

Ms. Dalainey是一位热情洋溢、经验丰富的教育工作者,专注于英语语言艺术教学。她拥有University of Iowa的英语文学学士学位和La Sierra University的教学硕士学位。在Ranchero Middle School,她担任7-8年级的英语语言艺术教师,负责英语荣誉课程、阅读和写作的课程开发、评估与教学,并兼任GSA俱乐部的联合顾问。随后,在Bernice Ayer中学,她继续担任英语语言艺术教师,并涉足特殊教育领域。此外,她还曾在La Sierra大学担任研究生研究助理,协助教授进行针对英语学习者的学术研究,并熟练运用微软、谷歌的教育技术平台开发异步高等教育课程。
Ms. Dalainey is a passionate and experienced educator who specializes in English Language Arts instruction. She holds a Bachelor's degree in English Literature from the University of Iowa and a Master's degree in Teaching from La Sierra University. At Ranchero Middle School, she served as an English Language Arts teacher for grades 7-8, responsible for developing, assessing, and teaching English Honors courses, reading, and writing, while also serving as a co-advisor for the GSA club. Subsequently, at Bernice Ayer Middle School, she continued her role as an English Language Arts teacher and ventured into special education. Additionally, she has experience as a graduate research assistant at La Sierra University, assisting professors in academic research focused on English learners, and is proficient in using Microsoft and Google educational technology platforms to develop asynchronous higher education courses.

Ms. Sherry是一位来自美国佛罗里达州坦帕市的教育者,拥有田纳西大学的教育学硕士学位。自1997年起,她一直在Bricky-McCloud小学和Saven Oaks小学执教,积累了丰富的教育经验。她不仅在传统教学环境中表现出色,还积极探索新兴教育模式,展现出与时俱进的教育精神。自2017年起,Ms. Sherry开始在线上教授中国孩子英语,尤其在阅读和写作方面有着卓越表现,能够激发学生学习兴趣,帮助他们建立坚实的语言基础。同时,她还擅长低年级标化考试辅导,为学生的学业成就提供坚实保障。Ms. Sherry的教育理念融汇了传统与创新,她不仅是知识的传递者,更是学生心灵的引导者。
Ms. Sherry is an educator from Tampa, Florida, USA, who holds a Master's degree in Education from the University of Tennessee. Since 1997, she has been teaching at Bricky-McCloud Elementary School and Saven Oaks Elementary School, gaining extensive educational experience. She not only excels in traditional teaching environments but also actively explores emerging educational models, demonstrating her forward-thinking educational spirit. Since 2017, Ms. Sherry has been teaching English to Chinese children online, with outstanding performance in reading and writing, inspiring students' interest in learning and helping them build a solid language foundation. Additionally, she specializes in standardized test preparation for lower grades, providing solid support for students' academic achievements. Ms. Sherry's educational philosophy blends tradition and innovation, making her not only a knowledge transmitter but also a guide for students' hearts.

Mr. Binh是一位拥有20多年教学经验的资深学术英语和ESL教师。他曾在多所学校和机构任教,包括American Pacific University、American Primary School和International University。在American Pacific University和American Primary School,他教授语言艺术课程,专注于为大学准备学术技能(阅读和写作),并使用了多种创新的教学方法,如工作小组、合作与竞争学习、自我监控和自我纠正等,以帮助学生更深入地理解材料。在国际大学,他教授学生学术口语和听力技能,以及如何准备在美国大学课堂中学习。此外,他还是一位资深的标准化考试备考老师,在TOEFL、ISEE、SAT等标准化考试上,帮助很多同学获取高分。他的班级规模较小,通常只有2-4名学生,并根据学生的需求制定自己的课程。在他的课堂上,所有技能都通过合作学习和经过验证的测试策略来教授,使学生能够在TOEFL考试中持续获得105-117分的高分。
Mr. Binh is a seasoned academic English and ESL teacher with over 20 years of teaching experience. He has taught at numerous schools and institutions, including American Pacific University, American Primary School, and International University. At American Pacific University and American Primary School, he taught Language Arts courses, focusing on preparing students for college by honing their academic skills in reading and writing. He employed a variety of innovative teaching methods such as work groups, cooperative and competitive learning, self-monitoring, and self-correction to help students gain a deeper understanding of the material. At International University, he instructed students on academic speaking and listening skills, as well as how to prepare for studying in American university classrooms. Additionally, he is a highly experienced standardized test preparation instructor, helping many students achieve high scores on standardized exams such as TOEFL, ISEE, and SAT. His class sizes are small, typically with only 2-4 students, allowing him to tailor his curriculum to individual student needs. In his classes, all skills are taught through cooperative learning and proven testing strategies, enabling students to consistently achieve high scores ranging from 105 to 117 on the TOEFL exam.

Anne老师是一位拥有20多年教育经验的资深教育者,专长涵盖多个年级层次。她对教育充满热情,致力于帮助青少年取得成功。作为英文写作和教学领域的专家,Anne老师在帮助青少年提高英文写作水平方面取得了显著成绩。她的课程经常采用数据驱动的教学方法,使学生能够在实践中掌握写作的核心要点。在她的教育生涯中,Anne老师获得了多项荣誉,包括2019年的MLK, Jr.基金会感谢奖和2016年的Palmer艺术委员会终身成就奖。她是阿拉斯加大学认证的阅读专家,参与了核心在线阅读学院的工作,专注于提高学生的阅读能力。Anne老师具备强大的团队合作和组织能力,在马塔努斯卡学区工作时与其他教育工作者紧密合作,确保学生实现其学术目标。
Ms. Anne is a seasoned educator with over 20 years of experience in education, specializing in multiple grade levels. She holds a passion for education and is dedicated to helping youth succeed. As an expert in English writing and teaching, Ms. Anne has achieved remarkable results in helping adolescents improve their English writing skills. Her courses often incorporate data-driven teaching methods, enabling students to grasp the core points of writing through practice. Throughout her educational career, Ms. Anne has received numerous honors, including the MLK, Jr. Foundation Appreciation Award in 2019 and the Palmer Arts Council Lifetime Achievement Award in 2016. She is a certified reading specialist from the University of Alaska and has participated in the work of the Core Online Reading Academy, focusing on improving students' reading abilities. With strong teamwork and organizational skills, Ms. Anne closely collaborates with other educators in the Matanuska-Susitna Borough School District to ensure students achieve their academic goals.

Ms. Melissa Timmen是一位经验丰富的教育工作者,拥有英语教育学硕士学位和英语语言艺术学士学位。自2007年以来,她一直全身心投入教育领域,积累了近20年的教学经验。在她的职业生涯中,她教授过多种科目,包括中小学英语、高中AP英语课程、世界文学与电影、阅读、ELD科学等。梅利莎女士擅长为学生提供优质的教育服务,帮助学生在学习上取得进步和成长。她在特殊教育和不同年龄段学生的教学方面都有非常丰富的经验和能力。她的教学方法注重多样性和个性化,以提高学生的学习兴趣和学习效果。
Ms. Melissa Timmen is an experienced educator with a Master's degree in English Education and a Bachelor's degree in English/Language Arts. She has been fully committed to the field of education since 2007, accumulating nearly 20 years of teaching experience. Over her career, she has taught a variety of subjects, including English at the primary and secondary levels, AP English courses in high school, World Literature and Film, Reading, and ELD Science. Ms. Melissa is skilled in providing quality education services to students, helping them make progress and grow in their learning. She has extensive experience and expertise in teaching special education and students of different age groups. Her teaching approach emphasizes diversity and personalization to enhance students' interest and effectiveness in learning.
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